No reasonable rejector of Calvinism believes that because God gives man the sovereignty of choice, that God has folded his arms and ceases to influence man’s life or command His angels concerning him.
This man is presenting a foolish straw-man argument stemming from false reductionism of the Arminian position.
For clarity, while instructing against the errors of Calvinism, I do not speak or teach as an Arminian. In fact I hold that both Calvinism and Arminianism are contrary perspectives about the Doctrine of God, particularly around questions of agency, sovereignty, grace, and eternal security.
As a Theologian, I am not interested in forming a perspective, or in taking up with either camp. I am only concerned, as all readers should be, with discovering what the Bible itself has to teach us on certain subjects.
The thesis Phil Johnson puts before us is this:
"If God has already done everything to save the lost, why pray for them?
Let's examine what the Bible itself teaches on the subject in seven targeted points:
- The Spirit always draws the hungry, His sheep know His voice. The Spirit of Truth has come to guide us into all Truth. (John 16:13)
- Not all of His followers are sheep. Some are Goats. (Matt 25:32)
- God’s will is that none perish outside of His covenant. (2 Peter 3). Yet many do perish outside of God's will.
- It is the Goodness of God that leads a man to repentance. (Romans 2:4)
- Romans 10:14-17 declares that Faith comes by hearing but it ALSO says in verse 16 that they have not all obeyed the Gospel The Key word here is “obey”. We must obey the Gospel of Christ. To obey, is to choose to follow or to willingly submit to another's authority.
- Hebrews 6:4-8 Demonstrates clearly how salvation can become forfeit. (v 6)
- This is why we are told, in fact warned, that we must abide in Him or else he is cast forth as a withered branch (John 15:6-7). Note the word “IF” (v 7). If we do… then X. If we do not…then Y.
"If, according to Calvin, both grace and damnation are irresistible and foreordained? Why do YOU pray for those who have no agency in the matter?"
Grace is resistible. So is Damnation.
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