Answer: No.
We know from reading our Bible, some things that Mary Magdalene was NOT=
- A harlot, as described by either of the 6th century teachings of Pope Gregory attributing her as the woman with the alabaster jar
- Explored (HERE) in this Smithsonian Article
- As described Gnostic Gospel of Mary (discovered in 1896, written in Sahidic Coptic included in the 5th century Berlin Codex (Akhmim Codex)).
- Josh McDowell provides a good explanation for why Gnostic Gospels should not be canon (HERE)
- the wife of Jesus Christ - he was never married, nor had children. The church is the "bride" of Christ
- Answers in Genesis provides a good evaluation of this claim (HERE)
This is what we DO know about her.
During Jesus’ Ministry
- When Jesus is traveling and ministering in the cities of Galilee, the 12 disciples were with them along with some women which had all been healed of evil sprits and infirmities. Mary Magdalene was one of them - she has seven devils cast out of her (Luke 8)
At the Crucifixion and burial
- Was present at the crucifixion observing from afar
- Mary Magdalene came with Joseph of Arimathea from Galilee
- Mary Magdalene was standing by the cross with Jesus’ mother Mary, Mary wife of Cleophas (John 19)
- Joseph of Arimathea secretly asks Pilate for the body of Jesus to bury him and it is granted
- Nicodemus brings them spices of myrrh and aloe 100 pounds
At the burial
- After Joseph of Arimathea closed off Jesus’ tomb by rolling a great stone to the door of the sepulchre
- Mary Magdalene and Mary beheld (saw) where Jesus was laid.
- Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sat against the sepulcher. (presumably to watch over the tomb until the chief priests and roman guards returned the next day to seal the stone in the entrance. (Matthew)
- Mary Magdalene came with Joseph of Arimathea from Galilee, prepared the body as the Sabbath drew on. They saw the tomb and how the body was laid. They returned back home to prepare spices and ointments, and they rested on the sabbath (Luke 23)
At the end of the Sabbath after the burial
- Before dawn at the end of the sabbath toward the first day of the week Mary Magdalene and Mary came to the sepulcher. (Matthew 28)
- Before dawn at the end of the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found it empty (John 20)
- At the end of the sabbath they came to the sepulcher with the spices (Luke 23)
- Salome was with them and they brought sweet spices to anoint the body (Mark 16)
- They said “who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulcher and when they looked they saw it was already rolled away. It was very great (Mark 16)
- They found the stone rolled away and they went into the tomb and Jesus was not there so they were confused. Then they saw two men in shining garments who said Jesus was risen. (Luke 23)
- There was an earthquake and an angel rolled back the stone and sat upon it. The angel was like lightening with clothing as white as snow, the grave keepers passed out, the angel speaks to Mary Magdalene and Mary, shows them the empty grave, and commands them to tell the disciples that Jesus is risen from the dead. And that he will appear to them in Galilee. (Matthew)
- They went into the sepulcher and saw a man sitting in there on the right side clothed in a long white garment and they were scared. He tells them Jesus is risen and shows them where the body was. He instructs them to tell the disciples and go to Galilee to meet Jesus. (Mark 16).
Leaving the tomb
- They ran away afraid and didn’t tell anybody. (Mark 16)
- Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, out of whom Jesus cast seven devils. She tells the disciples and they don’t believe her (Mark 16) (Luke 8) Jesus appears to two others who tell the rest and they don’t believe. And then Jesus appears to them all and scolds them for not believing and going to Galilee
- They ran to tell the disciples and as they did, Jesus appears, they worship Him. He reassures them and tells them to instruct the disciples to go to Galilee.
- Of their own accord, the women came back and told the 11 “apostles” and to all the rest that Jesus was risen and they were not believed. Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary, and other women that were with them told the apostles. They did not believe it. (Luke 24)
- Mary Magdalene runs away and comes to Peter and John and says they have moved the body and we don’t know where it is. Peter and John come to the tomb. John outruns Peter and stoops down to look into the tomb. Peter arrives, they both go in and see linen clothes folded but no body. They went home. Mary Magdalene was standing outside crying, stoops down to look inside the tomb and sees two angels. They ask her why she is crying and she says she doesn’t know where the body of Jesus is. She turns around and Jesus appears to her. She thinks she is the gardener and asks him where Jesus’ body is. Jesus speaks her name and she realizes it is Jesus. He says not to touch him but to go tell the disciples. She does. Later that evening Jesus appears to them all. (John 20)
- Paul says in 1 Cor 15:5-8 that Jesus appeared first to Cephas (Peter) and then to the disciples - makes no mention of Mary Magdalene
After the Resurrection
- was likely counted among the women in Acts 1:14 as part of those collectively waiting and praying