I’m looking to find a guided visualization exercise or meditation that can help shift me out of focusing on what I don’t have and focusing on the life that I want to manifest. I’m looking for something that helps me visualize specifically what I want to call in. Lately I have found that I am dwelling on what I don’t have, and feeling bad about it. Being in this scarcity mindset is preventing me from seeing all the blessings in my life, and enjoying what I do have. And as a result I’m calling in more of what I don’t want.
In the past what has helped is doing guided visualizations that focus specifically on the life I want to be living in the feelings that I want to be feeling. I’m ok:) just looking to manifest the life I want in this time of change!
I find sometimes its helpful not to overthink things, but to realize that a scarcity mindset is actually an attachment mindset. When we attach to things, stuff, money, etc. the lack thereof produces anxiety and fear.
In Exodus 4, when God asked Moses to go before Pharaoh, risking death, to ask him to free the Israelites, Moses balked because he felt he was unworthy citing that no one would believe him. Moses was looking at his own inadequacies. Instead of acknowledging Moses' scarcity mindset, God challenged Moses saying - "what is in your hand?" and he answered "a rod (staff)". And we all know what Moses did with that staff.
If we stop looking at our scarcity, and surrender even what little we do have to God, he can do great things through us.
In 1 Kings 17 Elijah was traveling drinking only river water and being brought food by ravens. He met a woman and all she had was a little bit of oil and a handful of grain. In her scarcity, she intended to make her last bit of bread and surrender to hunger and starvation. Instead, she surrendered the little she had to God by serving Elijah that last meal and in so doing God blessed her barrel of grain and her cruse of oil so that they never ran out.
Sometimes we are allowed to be brought to the brink so that we might truly understand that the Lord is the giver of all good things, he is Jehovah Jireh, our provider. He is our Creator. He made the earth and everything in it. We need not thank the Earth. In so doing, we worship the created thing more than the Creator. The Earth is not our source. God is. By acknowledging God as our Creator, and placing faith in Him, not in the things he created, or that we have fashioned, and being thankful for what we have - He will bless even what little you do have and lead you to a path of abundance.
My advice is to begin by worshiping - praising and thanking God for what you DO have and ARE gifted with in terms of your capabilities, and then seek his will on how you should apply them through prayer. Ask Him to impart wisdom to you that you might better understand how to use what is at your disposal to begin a life of increase.
Be blessed.